Exhibition UMBAU. Nonstop Transformation // Oct 9 - Nov 6, 2024 - Goethe-Institut New York // Oct 18 - 26, 2024 - Architektur Galerie Berlin
Lingang New City - In Process - Resultate
Freie Akademie der Künste
The Lingang New City In Process – Resultate exhibition at the Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg is dedicated to past, present and future planning work on this scheme and the results achieved. Highlights of the exhibition include the Maritime Museum in Lingang New City, completed in 2009, and the City Hall. Large-scale models, plans and photos give a glimpse of current progress.
In a lecture on “Transformation einer Metapher: das Maritim Museum in Lingang New City, China” (Transformation of a Metaphor: the Maritime Museum in Lingang New City, China) explain Prof. Werner Sobek and Prof. Meinhard von Gerkan the double sail design at the Maritime Museum, which with a height of 60m will be among the tallest unsup-ported structures ever built. Construction was a particular challenge for both architects and structural engineers alike.