Commission awarded for educational campus at Riensförde in Stade
At Riensförde district, a new educational campus (BCR) will be created to plans by Architects von Gerkan, Marg & Partners and Blaurock landscape architects of Dresden. The educational campus for about 1,000 children and teenagers, from pre-school to senior high school age, will be built using a system-based construction method by Goldbeck Public Partner and designed and realized over a period of 33 months. The short construction period is partly possible because the designed and prefabricated shell construction elements will have windows fitted at the factory; the elements are delivered to site just-in-time and will be put in place using very little in-situ concrete. Using a PPP scheme, the Stade Municipality has appointed Goldbeck Public Partner as prime contractor functioning as general contractor with responsibility for the operation of the building for 25 years. With an overall sum of EUR 72.5 million, the BCR is the hitherto largest investment of its kind for Stade Municipality.

The terrain to the south of the city measures about 70,000 square meters and is bisected by a regional railway track, which means that the two parts have to be connected via an underpass. Embedded in greenery and open spaces close to nature, the campus will consist of an elementary school with two parallel form classes, including an option for an extension in the system, a day-nursery with crèche, and a high school for form classes 5 to 10, as well as indoor and outdoor sports facilities. The architecture of all buildings follows a uniform color and material concept. In line with the northern German brick building tradition, the two- to three-story campus buildings will be clad with a sand-colored face brick. The proportions of the buildings are strengthened by a horizontal joint between the first floor and the upper floors; the facades are additionally structured by fenestration ribbons all round. The structure of the 3- and 1-field sports hall will be clad with dark gray facade elements, whereas the service functions of the sports hall will also be clad with sand-colored face brick. Completion and handover has been scheduled for mid-2023.